Estudio 13
Chervinskaya А.V.
Clinical Research Respiratory Center, Saint-Petersburg
Physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation. – 2003. – N6. – P.8-15.
Halotherapy of respiratory diseases
In the scientific review the method of halotherapy simulating the parameters of salt spelaean clinic microclimate is described. The data with regard to the development of method, principles and advantages of halotherapy with a controlled microclimate of halochambers and haloinhalation therapy with portable haloinhalator are presented. Operative factors, pathophysiological foundations of curative action of this method, particularities of symptom dynamics within the treatment course and factors of clinical pattern change with different pathologies are analyzed. Data of clinical efficiency and substantiation of method application for rehabilitation treatment in patients with bronchopulmonary pathology as a method of primary and secondary prevention of respiratory diseases for ENT and skin diseases as well as in persons with concomitant cardiac pathology were presented.